the dead city so inspiring

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I like to think of our lives as an allegory of a sphere, and within that sphere, awareness. I think that we convince ourselves of conditions because its convenient, or we get lazy and allow ourselves to be convinced. If there is good side to this, it must be that it helps us to get along. Unfortunately there is also a strong negative. If this convenient condition is designed to make you into an easy target, its going to do a lot of damage.

People today seem to think the damage just goes away, off into never never land, goodbye!

Well, I don't see see that as true.

So those souls, some of them have built their own dream city, and they maybe weren't great artists, so they got their ideas from actual art, and made a place that is quiet, and really pretty peaceful, a place to heal.

Considering what this world, and most of the people in it choose to do, I doubt its the only one, but it is the one I was drawn to.

I hope the new year is good to you, and thanks for reading.

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no worries.

have a great 2025 to you too. And thank you for your writing and readings.

Yeh kind of addicted to the imagary of the empty city and the reclaimed sculptre of nature that makes it something else.

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Definitely evocative, and for centuries.

Our curiosity, our expectation, our wonder all wrapped up in the city.



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I found this today through Demi starfire codes, I missed it when it first came out. Such a deep look at reality. When you talked about the insect colonies and being parasited, it made me think of how I first met you... My post on why would a god who creates life and beauty decide to force his creations to eat each other to stay alive. The insect colonies invaded by "symbiotic" parasite runs through all creation.... including our own human bodies.

We have more bacteria in our bodies then we have our Own human cells. But it gets even more interesting. Mitochondria are organelles within all of our cells except for our red blood cells. Mitochondria have their very own bacterial DNA... not human DNA. They are literally remnants of ancient bacteria, they are our ancestors. Mitochondria create the energy we need to live, but in so doing, providing this energy, they also created oxidation which leads to apoptosis or cell death... interesting eh?

The eating of the self, death, decay and renewal.

As for the rest of your article, I too am an artist, who has refused the mainstream methods, enjoyed your look at the cave drawings and your description. I thought of Claude Monet, one of my favorite artists, who was behind a new kind of expression, Impressionism, and they say this may have developed because he had such poor eyesight. He also was not very successful until much later in his career, and then more so after his death. This points to the nature of society and what we are programmed to notice, and what we are conditioned into accepting as beauty, what to like, how to act and choose, how to interpret and so on.

You've covered quite a bit in this post, but I just wanted to give 2 of my take aways.. so far.

Thanks for your art drawing too. You have a distinct style, what is special in the Deer, that you are drawn to it?

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Well Karafree, I think just about everybody misses my work, and probably on purpose, as you say about Monet, it doesn't wear a modern hairstyle, not that I'm compaing myself to a great painter.

I'm at least cursorily aware of the characteristics of the 'microscopic world' and how this life might be affected. Personally I think people assume quite a bit, and when they explain it to us it is via the reductionist materialist model. I urge caution.

I've said before, because it bears out in experience, be careful believing anything said by those who have, or wish for power over you.

There is a madness in the world, let loose, unfurled, and it will be another undoing for mankind. The powers that lead are now the powers that bring to people this standard.

On a different note-

I would like to thank the Starfire Codes for promoting this piece, apparently she found something worthwhile in it.

And you too Kara, for reading and commenting.


Deer are their own beings, they aren't a symbol, they represent nothing. Deer are, simply put magnificent expressions of this world. Deer have, in a certain way of seeing, this unique energy, vibration, power. They magnify certain qualities, and these qualities are often beyond words, more like presence, a contribution to the symphony of life that makes everything richer. Deer are also the favourite prey of the big cat, the Mountain Lion who keeps them on their game by hunting them.

People used to participate in this dance, and the Deer literally upheld their world, with the speed to be always fleeting. Some say the Deer are here because they already have their Star, and all things occur first in the heavens.

Mostly, though Deer are maligned by people. They crash into them with their cars, curse them for destroying gardens, and sometimes shoot them for dinner. The Deer today just has to be a symbol, because that's the only way to think of them any longer. The Deer I draw are capable and strong. They will be here, long after the madness and chaos once more demotes mankind.

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All is for the household.

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You are good at making drawing and write good posts. If there is any comfort you are not alone in feeling that way. By the way, if you want to see a copy of a real Rune-drum from Northern Norway, a man who was burned as a witch, it is here:


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Yes, of course they burned him to death, what else could one expect? The self righteous always give themselves license and plenty of excuses to do things like this.

I do not know the Saami very well, but when I look at the painting on the drum I see a vision, or perhaps several that he had. It seems to me that amongst the Saami visions were no reason for worry. They were not terrified of the spiritworld.

Thank you for the kind words concerning my work, they are appreciated. I once did paintings, but paintings are far too expensive for someone like me to make. I can draw, that takes up little space. I do other work as well, but I show that elsewhere.

The point of this piece, in terms of this world, is that there are other ways to live successfully besides the current paradigm, ways that don't make wounds worse, ways that don't have injured souls building cities in the otherworlds where they go to heal from this one.

I write often of the Cathari because they are in my dreams, and they tell me things that are deeply true, thus I mention them in this piece.

I love the drum, and thank you for the link.

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I suppose those are the ones who saw the true, strong light and did not have to be re-incarnated here on earth again, I don't know. Actually I went back and edited the comment because I wrote that he was burned, but I must have forgotten to "save" the edited version. He was killed by axe.

"I alt ble 91 mennesker drept under hekseprosessene i Finnmark fra 1600 til 1692. De fleste ble dømt til «ild og bål», og brent levende. 77 kvinner og 14 menn måtte dø. Av kvinnene var de fleste norske, av mennene var 13 samiske.

Anders Paulsen slapp bålet, men øksehoggene fra amtmannens dreng gjorde ham likevel til hekseprosessene i Vardøhus amts aller siste dødsoffer.

Han ble født i det året hekseprosessene startet."

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So, this is the thing, L-B, there is this effort today to excuse and even justify the actions taken by agents of the church. It almost doesn't matter when discussing this, what the specifics were, because too much attention to the specific is going to take away from greater picture.

How about we step back from the methodology of massacre, and just observe the facts themselves. I think we need to do this to understand the steps that were taken, that they were promoted and supported by christendom with a premeditated intent that involved murder.

From this basis perhaps some questions arise. I know they arise for me.

How exactly is one supposed to discover truth and love through murder?

Why was the murder so often focused on the mystics and the healers?

Is the purpose of the church to take murder and reserve it purely for themselves as a source for securing compliance?

If one is going to say all this happened already and now forget it, then that person is closing their eyes to another fact, that this behavior is still taking place, not so much with axes and knives, but now with bombs.

So, I will pose one final question, and for this everyone has to answer for themselves: Where are you going as a person?

Please understand I am not expecting you to provide me with answers. This is not simply a personal query. I think questions like these need to be asked on a larger scale.

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I have understood that you are so right in everthing you say about the church, what it has done in the past and is still doing. A part of it is busy with charity and preaching, the other part is funding and supporting terror against innocent people, even in their "lord's" homeland. It is sad that maybe there is a good reason for the verse saying that times/the days will come when everybody who kill you will believe they are doing god a favour...

Things can not be "undone", no. Maybe the best sollution would be to stick to your own kind and people and build a border of defence against the ones trying to attack you. In Kenya that would mean Christians having to defend themselves against their own fellow citizens, the Muslims. When every "fraction" camp is being sponsored by e.g. the USA (as it funds Israel) and also fund Muslims who are actually killing Christians - and opposite - this world is so crazy that we can just look forward to the sollution of it disappearing into a black hole, end of game. (2035 it starts going faster into the tunnel.)

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Excellent piece

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Thank you.

In this piece I brought together a number of threads and wove them together. It helps me to deal with what I must, and perhaps it can help others.

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