You can say its all a dream, and that it means nothing, I don't care. I don't worry about what you're thinking, I'm just reporting that I was there. I got so tired of being in those places where people were screaming because the only society they knew was leaving their lives permanently and all they could think of was what they lost.
It took me an effort of will, but I left those dream cages because there nothing to be gained in those places, other than the awareness that part of me participates in this as well. You know this if you are a dreamer, that there is a deeper more real part of the self that is not material, unmanifest even, and it can have enough.
No, I'm not offering you join me in the mighty current. I already know that this is leading me to find the world ever more tasteless, even less appealing, that would be this world of people of bills and aeroplanes and stupid things that when you die you leave behind.
I wouldn't dare ask you to try to stand in this green tinted water that moves boats around like some type of fodder, downy feathers taken by the power we can experience but never describe.
I stand alone in that mighty current, with my feet on the earth below it, and I wonder why it doesn't take me under, even as it expresses itself to my left in white capped standing waves that roar. I don't know if you hear that roaring, its not really a sound or a vibration, its the overwhelming primitive feeling of confronting something so far above your power that you cannot imagine doing anything but being helpless before it.
I think I will finish this letter up with a bit of a flourish, just to say at times I do wander through the city, the one that looks like a bad copy of an Asian tapestry. I like it there because no one knows me, and besides they're all dead. They aren't awaiting their reincarnation, they are just living-sorry for the image and contradiction.
So if you're out and about during your dreaming, and you want some company or something look me up in the bad copy city of the deadest, because I would never ask you to join me in those standing waves.
Yours Truly
On the last day of 2024.
Modern American Society does, according to some, participate in the world, but its impossible for me to believe this. Most of the observations of the natural world that support this are highly suspect. Examples of complex societies in the natural world, for instance, are largely relegated to insects.
This raises the question; because some ants, for example, are supposedly victimized by parasitic invaders who join their communities, but turn around and devour them, does this truly translate into human behavior?
Conversely, because some ants practice slavery, or so we are told, does this translate as well into a justification for the slavery practices of society?
Mankind doesn't eat like ants. Mankind doesn't breed like ants. Mankind however, can justify certain behaviors by taking some ant proclivities out of context?
“Its a dog eat dog world” is the familiar quote.
Not so fast with the dimestore philosophy. It turns out that we actually have examples of human societies where no such thing ever occurred. In the caves of Southern France are beautiful paintings of animals…
That use the natural features of the stone. What is, or should be interesting is that the work is highly sophisticated, technically competent, and even today aesthetically pleasing. It is also fascinating for what is missing.
Nowhere in the cave art does one find any evidence of the support and promotion of warfare and sacrifice that is so present in all three of the abrahamics, as well as the civilizations in the Americas. The artwork includes sculpture, and various reliefs, negative images of hands, obvious shorthand visual symbols, grids, and gorgeously painted wild animals.
There are a couple images that continue to intruige to this day, which are congruent with a particularly ancient understanding…
Literally dozens of explanation surround this one, however what we see is a spiritual ritual, not some form of murder to serve power, or slaughter to appease some vicious tribal deity people for some reason have to conflate with the great Divine.
The other is the fascinating image of a transformation, a being both human and animal. Here again we find no suggestion of horror, or even anything truly out of place. The image is unabashedly male, in an animated pose, currently vanishing into the deep shadow. Transformation evokes a sense of eternity, the mysteries of death and birth, certainly a topic that is comfortable in the deeper realms of visions and dreaming.
Transformation as one becomes another, the eye is led from the inner to the outer and back again.
So what, you say, who cares about some dead artist?
Because the art either reflects the society, or tries to escape from it. Modern society reflects itself in the desire to distort reality, create confusion, dissonance, and thus if not a compliance, then a final surrender to its loathsome parasitic lusts. Modern artists who don't support this are largely in the ‘escape' category, and that includes those who don't participate at all.
However, in ancient Europe we find something entirely different. We even find brilliant examples of musical talent.
The artwork of these ancient ancestors speaks to us of their society, as the cave paintings of the Cathari spoke so clearly of their Gnostic tradition. Both from Southern France, but that's just a coincidence, wasn't it.
Does modern society then, practice any congruity with a greater cosmos which would provide for it a powerful center, an anchor for that unmanifest self to discover as it reaches from deep dreaming into this world of duality and suffering?
Is there somewhere in these worldwide institutions any notion of what it is to live, or even what it might be to grasp eternity?
Seek, but you shall not find.
Ancestors of the European sort are reviled, denigrated as mere cavemen. Modern man extends his towering ego, taking credit for a great society that has already failed. It has already happened in the world of timeless dreaming that this thing called modernity is facing its comeuppance. In a very real sense its simply that it has lived its existence, and now must make room for what comes next.
The ancestors were actually, truly, a highly spiritual, deeply connected people. The violence they had to practice was placed back in the hands of those who gave it to them. They found their delight in the amazing liminal states, they would watch the stars and find their place beneathe them. Despite the need to deploy bow and spear to keep themselves going, their art bespoke a people who were neither overwhelmed or reduced to savage tendencies.
Today the highest notions of people are found outside of society. Any true direction of the unmanifest deep dreaming self will never be supported. Everything must fit into a form where it funnels money and subsequent power to the pinnacle of society, or it does not find a function or a place within it. The system itself is intended to be closed, to devour itself in a strange cannibalistic frenzy.
This entire world, with its odd case of a rogue cannibal species is hurtling towards an inevitable appointment with the galactic center. Oh sure this will be in 200 years or a little more, and that pretty much ensures that no one here will be around to observe it, or will we? Yet it still points to a condition set into the roaring current and standing wave of eternity.
I sort of feel this need to tell you about that deadest dead city, because maybe some night we can speak, as we wander upon the populated streets, in the silence where so many have gone to heal from their abuse provided to them from modern society.
The buildings are all painted in bright colours, and the streets are very clean. I have yet to see any cars or cafe's, because when your soul is healing you get all you will ever need from the spiritual sun, and all movement is an act of will. There is no need for mechanical slaves to take you anywhere.
I think you would like this part, that there is no need to determine one exists by demanding attention from any other, and so if you wish to simply wander amongst the beautiful colours, or go visit the living green trees, the spirits of those murdered in the corporate government fires, well people will respect your wishes.
There is only so much I can say in this letter, and keep it clear and concise because nothing is ever so simple, but just outside the city is the roar, and the boats can take you on other journeys to some pretty incredible places. I kind of have this weird sense that there will be an entire group of new people coming in soon. Do you think you will be with them?
Anyway, I enjoyed my stay, and I will be on my way soon enough. If this is our last correspondance, let me send you best wishes from afar.
Yours Truly
On the last day of 2024
the dead city so inspiring
I found this today through Demi starfire codes, I missed it when it first came out. Such a deep look at reality. When you talked about the insect colonies and being parasited, it made me think of how I first met you... My post on why would a god who creates life and beauty decide to force his creations to eat each other to stay alive. The insect colonies invaded by "symbiotic" parasite runs through all creation.... including our own human bodies.
We have more bacteria in our bodies then we have our Own human cells. But it gets even more interesting. Mitochondria are organelles within all of our cells except for our red blood cells. Mitochondria have their very own bacterial DNA... not human DNA. They are literally remnants of ancient bacteria, they are our ancestors. Mitochondria create the energy we need to live, but in so doing, providing this energy, they also created oxidation which leads to apoptosis or cell death... interesting eh?
The eating of the self, death, decay and renewal.
As for the rest of your article, I too am an artist, who has refused the mainstream methods, enjoyed your look at the cave drawings and your description. I thought of Claude Monet, one of my favorite artists, who was behind a new kind of expression, Impressionism, and they say this may have developed because he had such poor eyesight. He also was not very successful until much later in his career, and then more so after his death. This points to the nature of society and what we are programmed to notice, and what we are conditioned into accepting as beauty, what to like, how to act and choose, how to interpret and so on.
You've covered quite a bit in this post, but I just wanted to give 2 of my take aways.. so far.
Thanks for your art drawing too. You have a distinct style, what is special in the Deer, that you are drawn to it?