I forced myself to read this. The first few sentences in, I knew what might be coming. I was weeping at the end. I know very well what your talking about and have gone through 2 of these. Didn't lose my home but the homes around me burnt to the ground including the one next door. The murder of the forests and its inhabitants is one of the greatest tragedies that I have ever known, I cannot stomach it Mike. It hurts really bad. I'm so sorry this happened to you and so many others. Those that have made these decisions may they reap what they sow. I could say more vile things but I'll leave it at that. The worst part is that educated people say its because the government has mismanaged the forest and regular 'burnings' should have been happening all along to prevent this. I do not even try to tell them they've been duped and lied to....I weep.

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I've tried to write this piece many times.

Each time I was focused on the event, not just for myself, but others. Its weird, because people I thought were my friends attacked me for trying to work through it, and now we've gone separate ways. It finally came together here, because I realize now the actual event was less of a story than an expose on demented government employees and contractors who quite literally feel nothing, and simply participate in destruction.

Its actually pointless to try to understand them, because they see their role as destroying lives and life, and are quite fine with it.

When it comes to their image, its carefully crafted by the media, but the media is all about spinning and fabricating.

The obvious question is what to do about a government that wants your life destroyed, and the absolute first thing is to extricate oneself from the Stockholm syndrome that is cultivated as a feature of this kind of psychopathic playground.

It isn't easy, because literally the entire society is geared towards immersion in the criminal abuse. They expect you to jump in and swim with it.

If this sounds like the description of a sick, sick society I can only say Yes, most definitely.

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I wonder….every summer….if people stop to think if this catastrophic destruction was happening when we were kids? No, the 800 plus fires on the west coast wasn’t the norm. The job postings for fire management — high paying jobs. Interestingly, I know an old childhood family friend that was vacationing/camping in Idaho with his family last summer (or the summer before) and he posts on Facebook with a picture of a fire that had just started across the River from them. He states ‘started out of nowhere’ middle of the day, no lightening, perfect weather. Anyone try to figure out why/how? Anyone think that the firefighters need fires to get paid, I could go on and on. Makes me ill. And yes, Stockholm syndrome is alive and well….my family members (my brother and sister) educated good members of society nervous systems’ couldn’t take the real truth on what the fires are geared to do…they might have a funny feeling something is off and so they go searching and read the Seattle Times for some op Ed piece that explains why this is all happening. Then they feel better because mismanagement and fire suppression over the years. What a load of crap. People still believe the g’ment is protecting them and doing a good job. Obviously this is a trigger point for me, I don’t know what to do about it. Damnit.

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It is a situation where most will bury their heads and pretend. Its easier this way. I'm sorry that you have to contend with this, I honestly know quite well what it entails.

The current fire policy has its origin in the early 2,000s. Like most popular movements it went from reform to pathology quite quickly. Before this fire policy wasn't perfect, but they didn't actively try to murder. I said to others just watch, because once they start killing people and get away with it, the sky is the limit. They crossed this line a while ago.

I call it the Fire Cult because some retired Forest Service employees used that term. They just wanted their retirement and to get out because the Fire Cult is policy and insane.

Its like this everywhere. The sane people just want their golden handshake. They see the entire thing is headed towards destruction. If you stay too long it becomes a poison.

I try to inform people on the reality, but people are assholes. I can't blame the golden handshake crowd. If I could do it I would, put my feet up, sip coffee and watch the sunset.

There is nothing you can do to stop this. It is a feature of a much larger condition. People are moved by forces they won't admit exist, and people are not conscious of them.

For this period of time they must drop into insanity, demand its real, and lash out kill and punish. There is no reason, however, for anyone who does not follow this path to support this.

This great mass of ignorant humanity is writing their fate and their ticket. They want everyone signed up, but they can't sign up your spirit, unless you give it up, and of course thats been the thing here for a very long time, hasn't it?

Funny thing about suffering and pain, if you stand in it, explore it, you begin to discover its inner workings, and it isn't anything like they tell you.

If people want, and I mean really truly want something better then they had better start right now from where they are. Stop kissing the fist that punches you, is a huge first step.

If we stopped, just stopped, and embraced being, maybe they would work through enough fear to begin the transformation to a better way of living.

But thats not my responsibility, thats theirs. For myself I follow the ways of the spirits, no matter what circumstance I know where my heart is aligned, and no matter how many punches, or how much pain I remember the other worlds and the golden places, the magical moments.

Blessed be.

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The egragore of the west is done with it's work. Herin the ensuing egragore ouraboros moment as it installs it's new Pharaoh. Agreed the forest is the teaching of all that is hearth. Three schools of thought. Roman head controls the irrational body's desires. Saxon thought is body desires control the mind. Indigenous is there is no body or mind they are earth. Hence my album I wrote architects of control.https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL17flIBU74uSJ2ZQyttQRG3nv-ExbsVw5&si=_SJmx6oBl01UwVuD

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You obviously put a lot of effort into those pieces, some of the footage appears to be truly vintage, yet it works well with your music, good work.

I wrote this piece as a record, a memory, but the Fire Cult still rules policy, for they are the darlings of the rulers.

Let the current rulers fall, they offer nothing and take everything.

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Agreed. Fall they will. Thanks for the good words. We are all recording and transmuting every bit of energy.

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Mike, a tour deforce! As this story reminds me as I put up our fake Christmas tree.

Pulled up the the tree

It's fucken dead

Stuffed in a body bag

Have to re animate it

As man's job put that tree together

Then shut the fuck up

See plenty of them around me

Take that procedure

Or else

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Thank you Nine.

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If there is one potential positive concerning fake trees, it would be that one need not destroy the living every year. Typically however, the true useless eaters, the genocide monkeys and their lackeys just murder anyway.

The mouthpieces are mute, concerning chemtrailing.

Not a single word, concerning the attempt to own every genome.

Huge fires that murder from your corporate government, D.E.W.s


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