A note to the reader regarding the link to the Albigensian Crusade.

It is about as good as it gets, in terms of a synopsis, which is to say it sucks. However, I've never found anything better. If you do decide to read it, be certain to understand it is an error ridden synopsis.

The Cathari were the last of the Gnostics.

Their bones now fill the sample drawers in universities.

They were exterminated completely.

So, why did I include it?

Because as a piece it provides a one stop shop for location, duration, and prosecution of the crusade, and ties it in with the destruction of Constantinople, which gives a far more insightful image regarding christianity than most.

Just don't take it much farther.

Definitely don't assume the synopsis is in any way a guide to the Cathari.

He probably doesn't even know that the Cathari made pictographs in caves. But that is a story we must save for another day.

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Hi Mike! What you wrote here made me remember a crazy dream I had tonight. You know Jack Heart endorsed RFK Jr before, a long time before anyone else, but when some Rabbis endorsed RFK Jr probably giving him some teaching lessons on what to say, do and think regarding Israel before being allowed to enter the stage of the elders in world politics, kind of like in church where there usually are no women unless they are serving buns and juice practicing bun-diplomacy for the males sitting there, I did like Jack did and subscribed to RFK Jr Substack. I read something about stranded whales, and also watched a Twitter-video where a famous boxer and RFK jr was allowed to talk about why he/they do not trust that the vaccines against Covid 19 will do you any good. The reasons were darned good! Sill mainstream media hangs him in public. Had they at least only listened to that interview. They are brainwashed. When Jack Heart expressed his concerns for the "new" cloned RFK Jr I unsubscribed. There are too many clones, for instance the famous artist that his cousin Mike Williams has revealed also is one. I suppose only the ones closest to them will know the difference, for instance Ringo Starr? Even Hilary Clinton has passed away, as Jack Heart and several others have pointed out, and should not her husband see the difference, but they are "divorced", separated, which explaines why they sat so far away from each other on stage in Aretha Franklin's funeral. One even have stand-ins for Joe Biden and Putin. The latter admitted, sort of joking, that he himself had five. So, to my point. When RFK Jr joins Trump who just like any other American president blesses what Gordon Duff calls a mafia state, Israel, as if that country was Mary's little lamb whom the three wise men brought gifts to, I for that reason pushed the "like-button" to a post where a "Saxxon" at Substack portrayed RFK jr with horns. "Jo mere vi er sammen det gladere vi blir, for dine venner er mine venner og mine venner er dine venner..."; The more we are together the happier we become, because your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends - lyrics fetched from a Norwegian song. Your post reminded me about a crazy dream I had tonight. I was in a foreign place to me, a living-room in a house I have never been in in real life. I can't remember if I was asked to go out or if I expressed that I wanted to go out and eat something, somewhere, but I wanted to. I looked at RFK Jr who was in that room too, and I asked him if we could; if I could go with him somewhere and buy something to eat, it was late in the evening and I was tired and hungry. I said: "I can pay for it myself, you do not have to pay." I looked into the pocket of my blouse and saw that I had about 600 kroners there. I said: "You may probably not want to be seen with me." I was thinking about my own looks, my clothes, my everything, my appearance which is not that of an American star or model, of "his kind". I could not fit into his environment, he would be ashamed of having me around him, but I was still hungry :) - and then, to my surprised, I walked toward him and wanted him to embrace me. He put his arms around my body and I put my arms around his, and we stood there for a short while and it felt good. I felt comforted; a warm feeling. Then he was gone sort of because another man, a younger one with dark hair stood there and he was going to take me out, I think. I felt a bit confused. I had never seen any of them in real life before. I was wondering why I dreamed that dream when I click on "horn-RFK jr-pictures. Well, sorry that I wrote about all of these things to you. I enjoyed your music videoes. I am glad we have no dangerous spiders in Norway. USA is a terrible country when it comes to poisonous spiders. Your last video made me laugh. "Uncle Sam"? I don't know if there is still Khatari-DNA in this word, but are they "natural spiritual men and women" born with supernatural abilities? Your drawing was very good, as usual. Did you study that at school, how to draw?

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I would suggest that your dream is saying that RFK jr is no monster, breathing fire with horns. Saxxon Creative would be better at explaining than I, but my take is that the horns in his image were from his well developed sense of humor.

Yes, we do have lots of dangerous spiders here. I've had more than my share of run-ins for sure. Lots of deadly wonders from the natural world.

Telegram Sam was a coloquialism from the 20th century. It isn't used any more, but you will discover it if you read more casual offerings from that time. It meant someone who brought information, news. To me, Gorgeous Skulls is all about that, the news, a message.

Its about the direction of humanity, and advice for what is coming.

I have always been someone who makes images. In school I used to fill my notebooks with drawings, and people would steal them. Hey, its America.

Someone once said, in the USA if someone thieves your work, it means they like it.

Yeah, I studied for years with a driven artist who absolutely insisted that to draw was to see. He apologized that he couldn't afford to hire any beautiful female models quite often, and would have his students sit for what felt like hours, looking, looking, and putting that seeing into an image...leaves and flowers, still life creations, old worn out things.

I thought for a while that I had lost my ability to draw. I developed a bad case of white finger, and it left some damage, but I think I can still make images. Thank you for noticing, L-B.

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:) How nice! Thank you for your reply and explanation, I really appricate that. If you have grandchildren sit down like my grandfather and draw with them. I loved it though I never became as good at that as my grandfather and you.

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The fire and blood cult of abraham...

Alledgely they stole the capstone off the pyramids and that is there source of the black energy

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Its absolutely amazing to me how people under the abrahamic grip act, how they think, and what they consider normal.

But then I take a look around and shake my head, because the incredible backwards dysfunction typified everywhere embodies it.

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Jack Heart posted a video documentary about underground burial chambers, full of bones and skulls, molded into the walls like ceramic tiles upon a bathroom wall, under every major Church in the world.

The underground catacombs came first, as the author suggested the bones came from a previous civilization. Then great cathedrals built on top of these catacombs which exist all over the world.

The dead bones below, resonating from the voices of the living above them, as the living animate the dead, along with music and giant pipe vibrating organs, proclaiming the voice of God to the world around them.

The same principle applies, with the walking dead vaxxed hoards, vibrated by cell waves instead of voices and musical instruments, they harvest the power, stolen from the dead ancestors in the case of the church, and with the vaxx, stolen from the new walking dead.

Broken is the connection with the ancestors, as we feel such loss, one becomes lost from words to explain what has been done to all of us.

Wonderful post here, however, I take solace in the invisible Spirit that is all around me.

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As we look at Palistine, full of the dead ten thousands, tRump to build his new Cathedral on top of those Palestinian bones. With the vaxxed walking dead, artificially alive they plan to harvest even more power.

The unvaxxed matter not, they have enough to power this new world, and we here the new Amish to be ignored as we live amongst the zombie hoards.

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Our rulers are not human

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Spiritual warfare has always been front and center in all abrahamic ideology. It isn't admitted. They tend to refer to it in some self serving term or other, and when they run out of those who aren't abrahamic, they will happily kill each other. It is visible everywhere, for anyone willing to take notice.

In any open, direct sense, the lineage lines are broken, yes, I agree. The sheer level of violence and trauma that is the abrahamic way has always been waged with a sense of rightoeous superioty as to be revolting.

Despite this, there is a spiritual bridge that cannot be demolished. In that space of Dream, of Vision, of stepping into the bright Otherworld one moves beyond the constraints of time, and thus the abrahamic burners, locked into their lust for temporal dominion, have no reach, no power.

This is not to disparage the wisdom of other peoples, other places. It is an affirmation that in our own blood runs the genius of sages, and we can recall it all today.

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The desert volcano, blood god calls for souls.

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What is amazing is the absolute lack of any interest in investigating any of the claims of grace made by the abrahamics. But then even a little lift of the veil would spoil the carefully crafted narrative, and it is so much easier to just believe until one can't.

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